4 thoughts on “Emily Considers A New Hair Product

  1. Ok enjoyed same….if Tim ever comes up with a formula for hair loss I would definitely be interested but NOT if bone marrow is a part of it.Good job Allison—and where in the world did you get all those remedies for dull hair?????I suspect Tim has lots of black glossy hair hanging down his back. Onward ! Your No 1 Fan..Norma

  2. Bone marrow WOULD simplify the routine….I’ll go see if I can pick some up at Walgreens. I’ll probably spend the night in jail for requesting it, but what we will do for good hair……

  3. I loved this foray into ghoul grooming–important topic, and one I always wondered about! Bone marrow…hmmm…worth considering as long as I don’t have to procure it myself. And free IS good, as Emily points out. Sounding better every moment! “Try a bobby pin to hold it off your eyeball.” Funny! The response from tiara-wearing Dwayne…pricelessly funny! Cartoon…Priceless, period.

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